*************************************************************************** SHAREWARE DOCUMENTATION for Fractal Grafics, Version 1.0, May, 1990 Copyright, 1990 by Dick Oliver, Cedar Software, Morrisville, VT 05661-9605 This is an unregistered "shareware" copy of Fractal Grafics. You are encouraged to copy and distribute this program freely, but it is NOT in the public domain. If you continue to use the software in any way, you must "register" (i.e. buy) it by sending $59 to the author at the above address. When you register, you will receive the most recent version of the program, a 120-page printed Manual and Guidebook, and over 150 fractal template files used as examples in the Guidebook. The Guidebook includes in-depth sections on fractal art, science, philosophy, math, history, and literature. You will also get product support and the next update free, as well as other bonuses. The shareware arrangement allows free information exchange while enabling authors to focus on development and support of quality software without huge advertising budgets, and resulting high prices. The success of shareware, and the freedom and benefits it offers all of us, depend on the honesty and integrity of users, distributors, and authors alike. Thank you for supporting the shareware concept. **************************************************************************** PRINTING THE MANUAL There is a complete manual on this disk. To type it out on your printer, enter the following at the DOS prompt: COPY A:MANUAL.TXT PRN (If you aren't using drive A, or don't have a printer connected to parallel port #1, you may need to modify this command. See your DOS manual.) The manual is 12 printed pages long. If you'd like to print the README file (this one you're reading), which has a list of example files that you might want to refer to, enter this: COPY A:README.TXT PRN It is 3 printed pages long. ***************************************************************************** TO INSTALL FRACTAL GRAFICS If you haven't already done so, type A:INSTALL (if the Fractal Grafics disk is in drive A) and press the Enter key for instructions on installing and running the program. ***************************************************************************** CONTENTS OF THE DISK(S) If there is any problem reading files during installation, or you suspect your Fractal Grafics disk has been damaged, check the contents against this list: 6 batch files: README .BAT Types last-minute documentation INSTALL .BAT Types installation instructions CGA .BAT Prepares for CGA display EGA .BAT Prepares for EGA display VGA .BAT Prepares for VGA display HARDDISK.BAT Installs to hard disk 6 text files: README .TXT This last-minute documentation, typed by README.BAT MANUAL .TXT The On-disk Manual ORDER .TXT Invoice/Order Form (to print: COPY ORDER.TXT PRN) INSTALL .TXT Instructions typed by INSTALL.BAT INSTALL2.TXT Instructions typed by CGA, EGA, and VGA.BAT INSTALL3.TXT Instructions typed by HARDDISK.BAT 2 executable files: FG .EXE The Fractal Grafics program JULIMAN .EXE The Juliman program (draws Mandelbrot and Julia Sets) 2 picture files: CGASTART.PCX | One is renamed STARTUP.PCX during installation EGASTART.PCX | 56 fractal template files: HELP* .FRT 20 on-line help files named HELP1 through HELP20 STARTUP .FRT Fractal template loaded when FG starts up CGASAMPL.FRT | EGASAMPL.FRT | 3 templates used to create pictures listed above VGASAMPL.FRT | (NOTE: Any template may be used in any video mode) YES! .FRT The word YES! made up of copies of itself CHAOS .FRT The word CHAOS made up of copies of itself DRAGON .FRT Fire-breathing dragon OAK .FRT Spiraling oak tree FLOWER1 .FRT 2 Dr. Suess style flowers FLOWER2 .FRT | SPAZOOM .FRT 3 fanciful abstractions SEAHORSE.FRT | CIRCLE7 .FRT | F-RACTAL.FRT The letter F from "Fractal Grafics" The following templates are from the Guidebook. These (and over 100 more!) are explained, along with the techniques and theories behind them. (You'll get the Guidebook and the rest of the examples when you register.) MICKEY1 .FRT Load and Paint these 2 in order to see an old friend MICKEY2 .FRT (from the Guide to Fractal ART) ARCHY .FRT | GOUL .FRT | 3 more creations from the ART guide FIRAL .FRT | LEAF1 .FRT 2 ways to draw... LEAF2 .FRT ...the same maple leaf (from SCIENCE) QUAKE .FRT A simplified fractal earthquake graph (SCIENCE) MOUNTAIN.FRT Horizon line of a mountain and lake (SCIENCE) BODY .FRT A fractal portrait of a human being (PHILOSOPHY) LINEAR3 .FRT A predictable linear curve (PHILOSOPHY) NON-LIN1.FRT A "chaotic" non-linear curve (PHILOSOPHY) CATS .FRT Fractal self-replicating momma cat with kittens (MATH) SPIN .FRT | SKEW-L .FRT | 3 of the 6 basic affine transformations (MATH) SKEW-R .FRT | KOCH .FRT The famous "Koch coastline" (HISTORY) ISLANDS .FRT Benoit Mandelbrot's fractal islands (HISTORY) MONKEY .FRT Mandelbrot's "Monkey's Claw Maze" (HISTORY) RANDY .FRT A seemingly random "stock market" forgery (HISTORY) HEIGHWAY.FRT The legendary "Heighway Dragon Curve" (LITERATURE) BARNSLEY.FRT M. Barnsley's IFS-coded black spleenwort fern (LITERATURE) (72 files total) (end of README.TXT file)